601, 110 West 4th Street
N. Vancouver, BC V7M 3H3
Objective: Position using Computer Programming/Analysis, Web Application Programming, AutoCAD
Summary of Qualifications
- Solid basic foundation technical skills in computer programming/analysis and autoCAD
- Developed and maintained web pages for 4 years
- Excellent research skills complementing programming and web page design
- Communication skills especially with clients in the Internet
Relevant Skills and Abilities
- Developed, tested and debugged programs using Assembler, C++, Visual Basic, Java, CGI Script, JavaScript
- Working knowledge of Operating Systems such as Red Hat Linux 6.1, DOS, Windows 95/98/NT and basic Networking skills
- eBook Publishing using eBook Edit Pro HTML compiler
- Website Design Graphics using Xara Webstyle Version 3.1 software and AutoCAD LT 2002
- Desktop Publishing using Adobe Acrobat 5, PageMaker and Microsoft Publisher
- Designing Program Specifications using Systems Analysis
- Developed, tested and debugged programs using Red Hat Linux 6.1/Apache Server, Data Structures, Data Base management
systems such as Windows 97 ACCESS, ASP, PHP-MySQL (Internet)
Web Page Design
- Designed, wrote and edited web pages using HTML/Java, AutoCAD, JavaScript, CGI Script with File Transfer Protocols and Networking in the Internet
- Maintained and updated web pages for 4 years with extensive experience in research using the Internet
- Responded to inquiries from more than 2000 visitors of my web page
Additional Qualifications:
- 2002 - 2003: Fundamentals of AutoCAD Certificate with Architectural Drafting Specialty, February, 2003 at
CadInstitute, Murray State University, Kentucky, USA, http://www.cadinstitute.com
- 1998 - 1999: Computer Programming/Analysis Diploma, December 3, 1999 at
CDI College of Business and Technology, Vancouver, BC
- 1997 - present: Webmaster of http://www.acutcmdetox.com, http://www.holisticwebs.com, etc
- 1980 - 1983: College Graduate from North American College of Acupuncture, Salem, Oregon
- 1975 - 1976: Vancouver Vocational Institute, Architectural and Mechanical Draftsman
- 1974 - 1975: Computer Courses at McKay Computer College, Vancouver, BC
- 1970 - 1972: Two years of Science Courses at Malaspina College, Nanaimo, BC
Work History
- 1999-present: P/T Webmaster/Reseller/CEO of HolisticWebs.com (Unix) and AcuTCMDetox.com (NT) which specialize in creating and hosting holistic web sites
- 1999-2000: F/T Webmaster of http://come.to/bctcmcollege at College of Acupuncturists of B.C., Burnaby, B.C.
- 1999-2000: P/T WebEra.com Marketing Representative with training in CGI Scripts, e-commerce, security, web design programming
- 1993-1997: F/T Lab technician at Utah Mines, Port Hardy, B.C. until mine shutdown
- 1985-1997: P/T Licensed Acupuncturist in Port Hardy, B.C.
List of References upon Request
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