December 1997 in our Mailbox

Subject: Web Page

Hi Ricardo:

I've seen your page, it's quite cool . . . check mine too

Evelina, USANA distributor

Subject: Web Page

Congratulations, Ricardo, on the establishment of your web site. Spread the word.


Subject: Web site


Thanks so much for the info on your new web site. It is full of some wonderful information. I've visited it a couple of times since you told me about it and think it's extremely well done and has provided me some great reading material. As you know, I passed on the address to Dad, Bruce and Joanne and will pass it on to any one else I feel will benefit, if you don't mind the personal recommendation?!

Hope all is well with you. I'm feeling great - thanks, in a large part to your teachings. I'll keep you informed and hope to get to see you again soon.

Thanks again for thinking of passing the website on to me - much appreciated.


Subject: Web site - Great Job!


I just (finally!) visited your web site. You did a great job. I hope that you're getting lots of "hits". Have a great holiday season. Let's keep in touch.


Rachel Diaz, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) Trainer
Evergreen Addiction Treatment Center, Seattle, Washington

Prepared by Ricardo B. Serrano, DAc, MH, ADS
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