he following documents on healing addictions and other chronic degenerative diseases naturally through alternative medicine are from reputable link sources that are innovative, well researched and presented for your review.
Glutathione for Drug Detoxification NEW UPDATE!
Tryptophan for Meditation and Health NEW UPDATE!
The Buteyko Method of Therapeutic Breathing NEW UPDATE!
A Talk about the March, 2002 Equinox and supplementary techniques by Yogi Sharanananda NEW UPDATE!
Your Chakras and Aura NEW UPDATE!
Solution Focused Addictions Counselling by Ricardo B. Serrano, R.Ac, MH, ADS NEW UPDATE!
Bond of Power - Advanced Qi Gong (Quantum Multi-dimensional Healing) by Ricardo B. Serrano, R.Ac, MH, ADS
Is There a Permanent Cure for Excess Body Fat? by Nancy Popp
Exercise and Nutrient Protection by Dr. Michael Colgan
Phen-Fen, and Then? by Machiel Kennedy, MD
Painkillers May Kill by Michael Brennan, MD
Cramps Relieved by Pins by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
Credit HIV+ Patient's Own Powers says Michael Smith, MD, DAc
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Causes and Available Therapies by Luc De Schepper, MD, DAc
Cure & Cause of Cancer is Within You
Holographic Sound Healing NEW UPDATE!
Encoded Crystals for Health & Enlightenment NEW UPDATE!
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Statement on Acupuncture, Revised Draft - 11/5/97
Acupuncture Efficacy: Presenting the Evidence by Richard Hammerschlag, PhD